A loan helped a woman-owned Cookie Mix manufacturer (and repeat Kiva borrower!) release new flavors and a new size.

Lura's story

In the beginning I faced obstacles to start my business and my career. Of course, money and marketing were issues however… Questioning myself daily if I could do this at this time in my life was the biggest. Should I do this at this time in my life? Even though I had the experience and skills, I was starting over and in a big way, after losing my husband of thirty plus years. I set out on a sweeping encompassing journey armed with all of my professional and personal skills and experiences syncing my life into one big effort to make a measurable impact on communities and build something to leave for my children.

A natural progression from a forty-plus year baking ministry. I created baked goods as gifts of love from my hands and heart for special occasions, my children’s achievements, a love offering for a church member. Like grace, something you could not buy but is given. My cookies in particular, were created and named for individuals and or events. Consequently, every Cookie has a “backstory.” Friends and family had implored me for years to makes my baked gods available for purchase. However, it was not until the death of my husband that I realized I had to chart this new path. I looked at my life and where I wanted my journey to continue and forming Lura’s Kitchen, Inc. a benefit corporation makers of premium dry cookie mixes was a major part of where I would travel and make my mark in business, community, and family.

However, I continue to find peace and balance. As a widow, I still struggle with missing my husband and living alone. So, I am guilty of filling my hours. I intertwine my business with everything I do. At church, I make special red, white and blue Teacakes to celebrate Veterans Day, For my work with SCLC in Southern California, I made a Good Trouble Teacake for 60th March on Washington Event, for the Our Authors Study Club (I am President) Carter G. Woodson Color Purple Screening, I made a Madear’s Purple Teacake. It is more than marketing it is an integration of my business into the organizations I am dedicated to. It fills my days and nights. I am hoping that in 2024 I will begin to explore what “me” time really is. I do however delight in spending time with my 16-year-old fabulous granddaughter whenever I can!

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Lura's Kitchen, Inc.

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: Https


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details