A loan helped to buy bags, clothing, shoes, etc.

Angeline's story

Angeline is a very responsible person with her work. At age 19, she works tirelessly every day in her retail business in the municipality of Buriticá. She is single and sees the opportunity for an entity such as Interactuar to give her the confidence and support to develop as an independent merchant.

Angeline has been growing with the loans, increasing her sales. At this time, she needs working capital to be able to fill the orders that she has. She needs more inventory to continue making her business grow and to improve sales. She wishes to buy bags, clothing, shoes, etc. Angeline dreams of having her own shop, and being able to resell clothing and accessories.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It comes with a very innovative business-training package.

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