A loan helped a member to buy fabric and thread, among other things, for her business making and selling clothes.

10 San Jose De Yunguyo Ii Group's story

The San Jose de Yunguyo II communal bank is part of the Agencia Panamericana branch. It is made up of eight members who are friends and neighbors from the area. It is led by a board of directors. Sonia is part of the board of directors.

She is 30 years old. She is in a common law marriage and has two children. She currently has a business making and selling clothes from her home.

The loan she will take out now is to increase her capital. She will buy fabric and thread, among other things, which she will acquire from wholesalers in the city of La Paz. She will later make and sell clothes from her sales space.

This form of work has allowed Sonia to make income to support her family financially. Her goal is to improve her quality of life. Sonia asks that you continue trusting in her communal bank.

In this group: Sonia, Jacinta Eleuteria, Yovana, Victoria, Celia, Maritza, Lidia, Cecilia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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