A loan helped to buy building materials for the partial home renovation.

Rinat's story

Rinat sends greetings from Kyrgyzstan. He thanks the KIVA Foundation and its lenders for the financing provided to him before.

Rinat is 26 years old, he is married, a father of two beautiful children. His oldest is 4 years old and the youngest is 4 months old. Rinat regards his children and wife as the most precious in his life. Rinat has a high school education. As the main income for his family, he has been engaged in animal husbandry and field cultivation since 2020. Thanks to hard work, there are 5 cows, 1 horse and 10 sheep on his farm today.

In order to improve his living conditions, Rinat applied to Bai-Tushum Bank for a loan in the amount of 60,000 soms (KGS) to purchase building materials for the partial home renovation. This will certainly help to improve the living conditions of his family and make it more comfortable.

Rinat hopes to achieve the desired outcome and create a better life for his beautiful children.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Musharraf Bayramova.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income families improve their living conditions and reduce their energy consumption

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Lenders and lending teams

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