A loan helped to buy more cows to raise to sell.

Minh's story

Mrs. Minh, age 61, is a widow with two grown-up children. She resides in a small house in the rural area of Thieu Hoa district. Her income mainly comes from working as a domestic helper for local families. She also engages in small-scale farming and animal husbandry at home. However, her earnings are barely enough to make ends meet.

For over a decade now, Mrs. Minh has been raising cattle on a small scale at home to supplement her income. She has found that this venture yields higher profits compared to other livestock, although it requires a significant initial investment in purchasing quality breeding stock. She plans to expand her cattle herd to improve her income further. However, the lack of capital impedes her plans.

To overcome this obstacle, Mrs. Minh intends to ask for this 4th loan from Thanh Hoa MFI to purchase three additional cows for breeding. She raises the calves for about a year before selling them to traders.

Mrs. Minh hopes that with proper care, her cattle herd will thrive and provide her with a more stable source of income, ensuring financial stability in her old age.

This loan is special because:

It supports women from ethnic communities and single parent families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details