A loan helped a member to buy a new industrial oven.

Perla Del Acre Group's story

The communal bank "Perla Del Acre" is part of the Cobija agency and made up of 8 members who are friends and neighbors in the area and who are directed by a board of directors where Scarlet is the President.

Scarlet is 33 years old. She is in a common-law relationship and has 1 daughter. She has her own business selling pastries in her store.

The loan that she will now take out is for working capital to purchase a new industrial oven that she will buy from vendors who sell in the markets of the city of Cobija. The sales from her store allow her to generate income to support her family financially.

she aspires to be able to have her own confectionery business and have a furnished house.

Scarlet asks you to continue to trust her communal bank.

Note: In the photo, you can see a boy and a girl. Mrs. Shedaly, who is the child's mother, is holding him. On the other hand, Mr. José Alexander, who is the girl's father, is hugging her. The strong bond between the children and their parents is evident since they did not want to be separated from them.

In this group: Andres, Jose Alexander, Scarlet, Derly, Mical, Jorge , Shedaly, Keila Zuely

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gail LeGrand.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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