A loan helped a member to expand their farm by buying and fattening pigs.

Flores Del Paraíso 3 Group's story

Petrona is 29 years old, single, with 2 children. She finished her primary education and her parents supported her to continue studying but she didn't want to because it caused her headaches.

She began to do household chores and buying and selling used clothes. At age 16 she met a man she fell in love with. He was married and from another municipality, so in the end she was left alone with her 2 children.

She found out about the loan opportunities offered to women by the Chajulense Association of Women United for Life when she heard some women saying that they needed another group member who would request loans from the Association.

Petrona got her 6th loan this year. Her other loans have been for her pig farm and to buy thread to make huipiles (a type of traditional blouse). This year she will use the loan for her pig farm.

Petrona is the leader of the Flowers of Paradise 3 group. The group is made of 6 women, all of Maya Ixil ethnicity. The group will invest 100% of its loans in agriculture. On average the members have 2 children and the average member age is 43. 50% of the members are illiterate, 17% didn't finish primary school, and 33% finished their primary education.

In this group: María Emiliana, María, María, María Teresa, Petrona Leticia, Vidalia Vicenta

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lesa Sexton.

This loan is special because:

It's made through a grassroots organization- by the borrowers, for the borrowers.

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