A loan helped to buy fabric, thread and an industrial sewing machine.

Felipa Cristina's story

Although 29-year-old Felipa has only six years of formal education, this Maya K’iche woman is a quick and motivated learner and worker. She began working in her brother’s small factory sewing clothing. She married a tailor, and the couple are the parents of two children who are 7 and 8 years old. Each is enrolled in elementary school.

Nine years ago, Felipa began sewing casual and sport tee shirts. Her husband helps her as well as two employees when there are big orders. She only takes custom orders. Her goals are to expand the business and employ more people who live in her community in the department/state of Totonicapan. With increased sales, she will be positioned better to take care of the needs of her family and the education of her children.

The Friendship Bridge “Bridge to Success” offers many benefits to women like Felipa. The goals of the program are to help motivated women develop businesses that have solid foundations that can be built upon. They learn to set goals, plan and budget, and about the importance of being responsible and having good customer service. A special facilitator designs the meetings with Felipa that are held every two weeks.

Thank you, Kiva lenders, for helping Felipa successfully reach her goals. You are very much appreciated!!!

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to build successful businesses and become leaders in their community.

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