A loan helped to purchase urea, pesticides, and insecticides for the bean crop. With these materials, he will keep pests away and will have a better yield.

Oscar Jose's story

Oscar is an agricultural microentrepreneur who works tirelessly to improve his quality of life and that of his loved ones. In the past, Oscar received a loan from the hands of these two institutions. This financial support was important to get agricultural supplies and improve the yield.

Oscar has again come for Kiva financing from MiCrédito to purchase urea, pesticides, and insecticides for the bean crop. With these materials, he will keep pests away and will have a better yield. Oscar wants to continue working the land with the support of these institutions.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

The repayments are aligned with harvest season.

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