The Par Cisse Banc Villageois was created on December 4, 2007 (the day it was inaugurated). Its 23 members are all from the same village and have been friends for more than ten years. Even before joining CAURIE-MF, they had started revenue-producing activities. such as savings groups ("tontines") and many other activities that only made the group stronger.
Mrs. Ngone Saer S. (standing on the far right of the photo, in a pink wrap) is the group's leader. She is 40 years old, married, and the mother of 7 children. She is also responsible for a nephew. Her main business activity is fattening livestock but she also sells fruits and vegetables. She buys produce at the market in the nearest town and re-sells in her village. Her goal is to strengthen her savings and meet her family's needs as well as helping her husband in household tasks.
In this group: Fatma, Soda, Ngoné Saer, Dial, Coumba, Yacine, Fatma, Khady Omar, Khoudia Seck, Ma Anta, Astou, Codou, Fatou Bintou, Aladji, Soda, Khady, Fatou, Alima, Mbayang, Ndèye, Soucaye, Aïda, Ndèye Anta
Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.