A loan helped to cover the cost of spring field work in order to increase the yield of organic vegetables.

Zhypargul's story

Zhypargul sends greetings from Kyrgyzstan. She thanks the Kiva sponsors for their financial support. Zhypargul has a secondary education, she is purposeful and responsible by nature.

Zhypargul knows the technology of farming and knows how to invest funds for the intended purpose. As the main income for her family, she has been engaged in animal husbandry and field farming for many years. Thanks to the hard work of Zhypargul and the help of her husband with the household, her farm currently has 8 cows, 6 horses, 8 sheep.

In order to further develop her farm, Zhypargul applied to the Bai–Tushum Bank for a loan in the amount of 150,000 som (KGS) to pay for spring field work, in order to increase the harvest of environmentally friendly vegetables. The proceeds from the loan will help Zhypargul expand her business and improve her standard of living.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Anton Gospodarik.

This loan is special because:

It supports organic farming and includes a lower interest rate.

Loan details

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