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A loan helped to buy fertilisers, sweet grenadilla (Passiflora) plants, poles and wire, to prepare the soil and to pay for labour to start off his crop.

Jose Gabriel's story

Gabriel is 45 years old and he lives with his family in the Cahuasqui parish of the Urcuqui canton, in the Imbabura province of northern Ecuador.

Gabriel earns a living preparing natural remedies, cures and organic fertilisers for the parish. He also works as a day labourer on local land; all of which enable him to generate an income to contribute financially to his home.

Gabriel is requesting a loan to buy fertilisers, sweet grenadilla (Passiflora) plants, poles and wire, to prepare the soil and to pay for labour to start off his crop and keep it in optimal conditions to obtain a quality product to sell for a good price at market and to generate a decent profit.

Gabriel is very grateful to Kiva for the help to continue with his business idea.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Vicki Crook.

This loan is special because:

It focuses on the poorest one-fifth of the population with no access to financial services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (40)
  • Eleanor B Houston, Texas, United States
  • John Ridley Munroe Falls, OH, United States
  • R
  • Scott GA, United States
  • S
  • T
    Trond Norway
  • Stephanie Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • Jonathan and Yasmin Rees London, United Kingdom
  • M
  • Dennis Thousand Oaks, CA, United States
Contributing teams (16)

Loan details

Eleanor B
Houston, Texas, United States
John Ridley
Munroe Falls, OH, United States
GA, United States
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Jonathan and Yasmin Rees
London, United Kingdom
Thousand Oaks, CA, United States
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