A loan helped a member to buy merchandise and supplies.

05 Emprendedoras Ocotavi 2 Group's story

The loan group, 05 Emprendedoras Ocotavi, is composed of 9 people, all native to the Ocotavi community.

Efronia is someone who has been helping her mother sell sweet breads and other products for 12 years. She lives in Ocotavi with her family. She started the business with help from her mother. This business has been running for 3 and 1/2 years, offering sweet breads and stuffed breads at the transportation stop in the community which takes people to other places and communities.

Efronia is a married woman with 2 children. Through comments and friendly invitations from other people who live in the area, she decided to get a loan for the first time with ProMujer. With the loan, she was able to start up her own business and get an income to help her family.

The loan will be invested into buying more merchandise and supplies (sweet and stuffed breads). Efronia hopes that in the future she can have her own store to give better service to her customers.

She stands out in the photo with a green camouflage sweater and black pants. Yamil has a blue shirt with logos and black sweatpants. Mario has a green zip-up hoodie and navy sweatpants. Javier has a blue and red jersey on. The rest of the members are not in the photo as they had gone home because transportation is scarce in the community.

In this group: Javier Richard, Adela, Efronia, Yamil, Jose Antonio, Basilio, Esmeralda, Mario, Arminda

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mara Nagaki.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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