A loan helped purchase of drinks, fruits, snacks, vegetables, baked goods, legumes, etc.

Hilda Yrene's story

Mrs. Hilda has been a storekeeper for over 2 years. Her well-stocked shop is in the San Pablo neighborhood of Coronel Oviedo. She has been together for over 6 years with Mr. Albino. They have three children together. Mrs. Hilda also remarks that the best way to get ahead is to respect one another and mutually help one another within the family. The couple wakes up at 4 in the morning each day to begin work.
Mrs. Hilda thanks Fundación Paraguaya for its trust in her and for the support it offers her in loans. She assures that she will invest her loan well in order to repay it in due time and course, so that she may continue to work with the institution.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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