A loan helped to maintain cacao crops and to prune them to have better quality products for his clients.

Julio's story

45-year-old Julio has 2 children, ages 13 and 8. He lives with his partner Martha. He considers himself a hardworking a responsible man.

Julio has 5 years of experience in his business producing cacao and pulp. Because of his, his main goal is to maintain a crop clean of plagues so that he can increase his production and quality. Also, his big dream is to technify his cultivation. In addition to this business, he has another source of income working as a day laborer. He will use this Kiva loan to maintain the cacao crops and prune them to have better quality products for his customers.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Alexandrea Moseley.

This loan is special because:

It schedules repayment rates based on the harvest season to put less pressure on farmers' families.

Loan details

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Loan details