A loan helped to buy mobile phones, phone covers in different designs, chargers, and other accessories.

Gisela Marielena's story

This borrower lives with her family in the neighborhood of Gracias Adios. She sells mobile phones and accessories as her primary source of income. Her sales are very good since she offers mobile phones, accessories, and speakers. Her business is situated in a strategic location where many people from the surrounding areas pass through to make purchases. She has more than 13 years of experience in this business.

The borrower is requesting a loan to buy mobile phones, phone covers in different designs, chargers, and other accessories. In this manner, she can offer a variety of products to her customers and increase her sales.

Her dreams are to expand her business, generate a good income, and see that her family lacks nothing. She is grateful for the support she has received.

March 2024

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It provides credit to some of the most isolated communities in Honduras.

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