A loan helped to buy drugs to sell in her shop and help those in her community.

Stella's story

Meet Stella, a young refugee mother to 1 child who is not yet school going. She is a very hardworking mother who says health is wealth. She has a small drug shop, where she treats customers and sells drugs. The demand for her service is very high in the community were she lives.

Though she does not have a lot of drugs, she would like to buy different kinds of drugs so that she is able to sell more and treat her customers. Indeed, her service is very vital in the community where she lives and so many people are now used to her that, with time, she will expand to be able to meet the number of patients who come to the drug shop.

Her dream is to build a big clinic one day that will be able to admit some patients who are too sick to travel back home. To achieve all this, she is very glad for the support that VisionFund and Kiva have given her.

This loan is special because:

It helps refugees in Uganda rebuild and sustain their livelihoods.

Loan details

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