A loan helped to buy a new sewing machine and other equipment and to add to savings for a truck.

Anush's story

Anush B. was born in 1965. She is widow and now she lives with her son, her daughter-in-low and two grandchildren. Anush’s two daughters are already married and they live separately from Anush.

Since 1982 Anush has worked as a seamstress and she takes orders for dresses, skirts, trousers and suits. Anush says her incomes from sewing is insufficient for the maintenance of the family and therefore she, her son and her daughter-in-low have organized a fruits and vegetables trading business in the neighborhood of Anush's sewing workshop.

Thanks to their joint action they support their family and have been able to save a moderate amount of money to buy a truck. That truck will allow them to transport fruits and vegetables from villages to their business place.

Anush asks for an 800,000 AMD loan to buy a new sewing machine and other necessary equipment for her sewing business and to fill in the missing amount of money for truck buying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details