A loan helped to buy more chicks, ducks, and poultry to benefit from their products and sell them in her village.

Gamila's story

Gamila is 51, married, and has 4 kids in different levels of education. She lives in a rural community in upper Egypt. She asked for a loan from Kiva to start her project which is poultry and its feed. The last loan helped her start the project and helped her kids have a better life and a good education.

She wants to continue her success and expand her project. So she asks for a loan to buy more chicks, ducks, and poultry to benefit from their products and sell them to her village because the profit of this project will help her provide her family with basic needs of living including food, clothes, and education, help her husband with living expenses and help her son get married. So, she aspires to get this loan to continue her success and achieve her ambition.

This loan is special because:

It aims to support women entrepreneur breadwinners.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details