A loan helped to purchase more store goods to sell.

Kaekato's story

Kaekato is 42 years old and lives with her family at Gabutu village in Moresby South Electorate in Port Moresby, national Capital District. She is originally from Akita village in Delta Fly District, Western Province. She moved to Port Moresby many years ago and is permanently living in the city.

Her main reason for relocating was due to living conditions with infrastructure and education services which were stagnent and not conducive for people to stay and enjoy their daily living.

Having to live in the city one has to be employed to earn a wage to sustain their daily livelihood.

Kaekato has engaged herself with a mini informal market with store goods to earn income to take care of her family and to educate her two children. She found a bank which is serving the womenfolk and she decided to bank with this bank over 12 months ago. She now has enough savings and decided to apply for a loan to buy more stock.

The population in the area she lives in has increased rapidly over time and as a result, her stock is not able to meet the high demand.

This loan will be used to buy more stock and a variety of items which her customers demand.

This loan is special because:

It promotes financial independence for marginalized women entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details