A loan helped a member to purchase a new stove and household appliances which will help in her business.

Po Atr Triunfo Group's story

The Po Atr Triunfo communal bank, as part of the Agencia Perla del Oriente, is made up of eight members who are friends and neighbors from the neighborhood. It is led by officers, of whom Benita is the president.

Benita is 37 years old, a single mother, and has three children. She currently has a business selling food (lunches).

The loan she will get now will be to purchase a new stove and household appliances which will help in her business. Her aspiration is to be able to get ahead, thanks to Pro Mujer. Her aspirations in life are to have a larger business and for her family to be healthy. Benita asks you to continue trusting in her communal bank.

In this group: Liceth, Julia Jeanneth, Jessy Jhon, Luis David, Benita, Monica, Exson Anderzon, Jhonatann Marcelo

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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