A loan helped to buy corn, beans, rice, oil, sugar, sweets, bread, eggs and other goods to sell in her shop.

María Yolanda's story

Maria is 44 years old and has a sixth-grade education. She could not continue studying owing to her parents' financial situation. Maria is married and has three children, who are no longer dependents.

Maria has been selling cosmetics and staple goods for almost 18 years. She has a small shop in her house, and also raises small animals.

Maria will use this loan to buy corn, beans, rice, oil, sugar, sweets, bread, eggs and other goods to sell in her shop.

Maria dreams of her shop continuing to expand, of satisfying customer demand, and of earning a higher income.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

This loan is special because:

It enables vulnerable women to start and grow their own business.

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