Sra. Marleni is in a common law marriage and has two children. She has been working with EDAPROSPO for one year. Marleni is part of the group “Madres Unidas” (United Mothers), which consists of twelve members. She has been selling sweets for eight years and also sells food from her home. Thanks to her effort and dedication, she was able to buy a plot of land so that she could provide her children a better quality of life.
To keep growing, Marleni is requesting a new loan to buy supplies so that she can continue making sales. She will be able to accomplish her goals through work, effort, and the help of the loans from EDAPROSPO.
In this group: Marleni Elizabeth, Cesar Luis, Zenaida Carmen, Maribel Graciela, Anrea, Maria Antonia, Yenny, Gladys, Margarita Zoila, Glady Yolinda, Gloria, Judith Cecilia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.