A loan helped a member to buy potatoes, corn, and quinoa.

Saguan Del Cielo Group's story

The partners belong to the “Saguan Del Cielo” community bank. This bank is located in the district of Santas Ana, province of La Convencion and department of Cusco.
The partner Isabel works in the business of selling cereals, she sells corn, potatoes, and quinoa. She works from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The partner has already been in this business for 4 years and is doing very well. Her dream is to have a place where he can sell cereals. The member requests credit to buy potatoes, corn, and quinoa.
The member who is attached to the group photo had his photo taken after the meeting because he asked for permission for work reasons.
Partners generally feel grateful for the credit granted and are committed to meeting their established fees.

In this group: Isabel, Mahily Saily, Leao Stiven, Yhenson, Jasmina, Remigio Bernardo, Yesenia, Yoselin

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Orozco.

This loan is special because:

It uses a group-lending method to reach low-income borrowers.

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