A loan helped to establish a 1.40 acres of coffee plantation.

Luis Del Socorro's story

Luis el Socorro is a 32-year-old coffee producer. With good spirits, he has been working in coffee production for the past 12 years, making this occupation his main source of income with which he can provide to his family. He lives in a remote area in the north of Nicaragua.

He manages a 2.11 acres plantation, of which 1.40 are for coffee production. This cycle, he is requesting a loan to buy the necessary supplies to establish new areas for the coffee.

His dream is to increase the production with a good quality coffee. This is the first loan that he has processed with PACSA.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Miki Murakami.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers swap unproductive coffee plants with new ones.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details