A loan helped a member to buy clothes for clothes-selling business.

Naseem's Group's story

Naseem lives in Mianchannu which is a small city located in Punjab province, Pakistan, known for its agriculture industry. She has lived there in the area of Muhallah Rehmania with her family in a 2-room brick house for the past 20 years.

She has applied for a loan from Kiva partner Asasah to improve her clothes-selling business. She started this business to share the financial burden with her husband who is a driver by profession and provides transport services to his passengers.

Naseem purchases clothes from the city of Multan which is famous for its clothes and embroidery industry and sells to her local area clients at a profit. With the loan, she will buy clothes in different varieties and in bulk quantities to fulfill customers' demand and to expand her business.

She has given birth to 3 sons and a daughter. Her two elder sons are also associated with their father's driving profession and the remaining children are enrolled in a local school and getting their education.

Naseem is hopeful that an investment will bring more profits to her and her family’s financial condition will improve. She is a regular loan user of Asasah and this is her 3rd loan application. In her previous loan years, she always paid her installments on time and never missed a single meeting.

In this group: Naseem, Bilquis Bibi, Nighat, Shahida Parveen

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