A loan helped a member to purchase condiments, vegetables, meat, bakery items, vegetables and other items.

San Blas Group's story

San Blas is a united communal bank. The group was formed because of a communal desire to improve their situations. They set a goal of growing and improving so they can help their families.

One of the communal bank members is señora Ana Maria. She is the communal bank's president. She is an active person who always looks for ways to motivate the others so they can get ahead together.

For her part, Ana Maria makes and sells all kinds of food. She says that her goal is to keep working so she can help her family through her work. She is happy in the communal bank, as it represents a help to her and to her loved ones.

Ana Maria is requesting this loan so she can buy raw materials, like condiments, vegetables, meat, bakery items, and other items so she can continue with her production and sales.

All of the members say that they help one another so they can improve their situations of poverty and give the best to their loved ones.

In this group: Ana Maria, Eva Daiana, Lorena Mabel, Karina Belen, Gloria Elizabeth, Ana Raquel, Paola Mariela, Graciela Elizabeth, Fatima Albilza Licet, Ana Ines, Sara Noemi, Celia Magdalena, Patricia Milagros, Julia, Laura Beatriz, Maria Del Carmen, Marta Tatiana, Natalia Maria, Clara Gabriela, Romina Alejandra, Juana Viviana, Fabiana Vianca Araceli, Petrona

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marni Siegal.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

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