A loan helped to buy organic fertilizers and pesticides in order to improve his production.

Cristhian Ronaldo's story

Cristhian Ronaldo is 21 years old. He is single and lives with his parents in the parish of San Placido, in the canton of Portoviejo, an agricultural area of excellence, with hardworking people dedicated to farming job and raising animals.

Cristhian is a very hardworking young man. He seeks a way to make income in order to cover his expenses, in an effort to improve his future and that of his family.

He and his parents have a farm where where they work in agriculture. The have several hectares with cacao crops; and now, in the winter season, lime crops. Their land is suited for these crops at this time of the year.

With the help of a loan Cristhian hopes to improve their crops. Currently their corn is the crop that most requires mulch and care to enable a good harvest and generate good income. This loan is to buy organic fertilizers and pesticides in order to improve their production.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers adapt to a changing climate.

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