A loan helped to buy essential groceries for a home-based grocery store.

Hadeel's story

Hadeel, a determined 26-year-old Jordanian mother of two, isn't just dreaming of a better future; she's actively building it. Inspired by the needs of her neighborhood, Hadeel envisions a small, home-based grocery store that provides essential items right at their doorstep.

This project is more than just a store; it's a testament to Hadeel's commitment to her family's well-being. She aspires to create a steady stream of income, ensuring a brighter future for her children and alleviating any financial burdens.

Hadeel needs a 500 JD loan to turn this dream into reality. This investment will be the foundation of her store, allowing her to stock essential groceries and kick-off her income-generating project. With her dedication and this initial boost, Hadeel's corner store has the potential to become a neighborhood staple, fostering a sense of community and providing for her family's needs.

This loan is special because:

It empowers the most vulnerable and marginalized women in Jordan.

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