A loan helped to buy 50 buckets, 80 bowls and a variety of plastic household items.

Eugénie Véronique's story

Véronique still remains thankful to the Kiva lenders for having provided the last loan. Thanks to that loan, the purchase of a variety of kitchen utensils and plastic products was possible. Further, the income earned allowed her to renovate several rooms in her home (notably the kitchen and bathrooms).

Now, in order to catch up with the demands of her customers, Véronique is asking for a new loan to buy 50 buckets, 80 bowls and other extra basins and household products. Her goal is to buy a plot of land in the future.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Suzanne McCoskey.

This loan is special because:

It supports entrepreneurs in Madagascar with a full suite of financial services.

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