A loan helped a member purchase cosmetics & medicines to sell.

Prosperidad Y Esperanza 1, 2 & 3 Group's story

Rosa is the coordinator for the group “Prosperidad y Esperanza 1, 2 & 3” (Prosperity and Hope 1, 2 & 3). This group can be found in the city of Santiago, the second largest city in the Dominican Republic. The main sources of jobs are traD., large industries, and the livestock and agriculture sectors. These members engage in business such as providing beauty services, selling jewelry, clothes, shoes, accessories, cosmetics, food, and other miscellaneous products.

Rosa is a single mother and her family consists of her three children. As a single mother, Rosa always works so that her children can get ahead. She strives to proviD. them a good education and guidance. Rosa wants to establish her business so that it can be sustainable and help her save toward the construction of her house. Her difficulties go hand in hand with the economic crisis that has had a great impact on her, especially when there is less cash flowing into the city. Her short-term plans incluD. building a kitchen in her house and gradually making improvements to her home.

Rosa manages a beauty salon along with selling miscellaneous products such as cosmetics, accessories, beauty products, and medicines. She started her small salon approximately five years ago with the money she earned selling undergarments as a street vendor. On this occasion, she will invest her loan in the purchase of basic medicines and cosmetic products.

In this group: Rosa, Lucrecia, Tacito, Maria, Miriam, Insolina, Vanessa, Alejandro, Luz, Celeste, Alicia, Antonia, Maribel, Jose, Andrea

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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