A loan helped a member additional inventory of used clothing.

Amasimbi Group's story

Amasimbi group is comprised of 31 members. Grace is one of the members and she is the president of the group. Grace is 29 years old and has three children who are between the ages of 7 and 11. Grace's children are all in school and her husband is a motorcycle driver. Grace sells secondhand children's clothes and she is requesting a loan in order to buy more clothes.

Generally, all the group members have small businesses and most of them have shops in which they sell household items such as candles, sugar, etc. They are generally requesting a loan to reinvest in their businesses.

Grace is the one holding the ID, that's Rwandese's National ID. Some of the group members are missing in the photo because they could not make it to their meeting venue.

In this group: Grace, Marie Gorette, Beatha, Marcelline, Seraphine, Beathe, Josiane, Ernestine, Jeannette, Emmanuel, Alphonsine, Liberathe, Angelique, Clementine, Florence, Donatha, Therese, Anitha, Regine, Colette, Korena, Vestine, Alphonsine, Omega Seraphine, Venantie, Verediane, Eveline, Esperance, Jean Marie Vianney, Jacqueline, Adelphine

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details