A loan helped to buy fish, yuca, plantain chips, soda, and other ingredients for preparing the food.

Dalia Eleticia's story

Dalia Eleticia and her family live in the Pueblo Nuevo parish in the Santa Ana village, a place surrounded by lots of vegetation and freshwater rivers that are attractions to those who visit this beautiful place.

She is a hardworking woman who looks for ways to earn her resources and with them help her husband and household get ahead. Every weekend she sets up a small stall where clients come to eat delicious fish cooked with onions, accompanied by fruit juice or soda as the clients desire who come to enjoy the delicacies she prepares with so much love. This way, she has been able to earn a living, and this is thanks to the help she receives from the loans, and for this she is very grateful.

This loan is for buying fish, yuca, plantain chips, soda, and other ingredients for preparing the food.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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