A loan helped to maintain his cacao: he wants to weed and to prune so he can have quality products.

Gregorio's story

Gregorio, 68, has three children who are his driving force and reason to keep on getting ahead. His wife supports him a lot. Both of them are looking for a better future for their children.

He's known as a responsible and hardworking man. He has had his business of cacao beans and in mucilage for 15 years, so his greatest challenge is to keep his crop free of pests so he can increase production and the quality of his product. In addition, his big dream is to modernize his crop.

His other source of income besides this business is his work as a day laborer and bread products.

He'll use the Kiva loan to maintain his cacao. He wants to weed and to prune so he can have quality products.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

This loan is special because:

It schedules repayment rates based on the harvest season to put less pressure on farmers' families.

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