A loan helped a member to buy animal feed, including corn and fodder, as well as vitamins for her livestock.

Tres De Mayo De Simatauca Group's story

Yovana is a member of the Communal Bank “Tres de Mayo de Simatauca”. She is a hardworking person who raises and sells animals, such as chickens and guinea pigs. Yovana has been in this business for quite some time and is doing well. Through her business, she wants to provide a better quality of life for her family. Yovana is requesting a loan to buy animal feed, including corn and fodder, as well as vitamins. She is grateful to the Kiva lenders.

The members of this group appreciate the loan that has been issued and promise to submit their payments according to the established terms.

In this group: Andrea, Yovana, Carlos, Eusebia, Juan Climaco, Katherin Gabriela, Elena, Hilda, Yenny, Elizabeth, Eulalia, Lady Gardal, Vilma, Matiasa

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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