A loan helped a indigenous women-owned tech startup launch to help other small business owners.

Eleanor's story

My name is Ellie, and I’m the creator of the MoPo app. I’m a mother, a champion for things near and dear to my heart, and an everconstant student. I believe that we should never stop learning, and continue to expand my knowledge base. I’m a dynamic professional with a ‘how, not if” mindset. Over the course of my professional career I have held multiple positions in a number of industries. Being a Marketing Strategist and Business Consultant working exclusively with entrepreneurs and small businesses has really given me a unique problem to solve. Helping people has always been at the core of everything I’ve done. I truly admire the can do spirit of entrepreneurs and appreciate the difficulties they’re faced with. I’m also extremely aware of how daunting the digital landscape can be for them. The ever changing world of marketing and advertising is most often overwhelming for business owners, but a necessary evil. The total offering of applications, websites, platforms, etc is discouragingly large, and constantly changing. This is what led me to create MoPo. Putting my problem solving skills to good use, my passion for helping small businesses, and my keen eye for technology to create a platform that helps small businesses level the playing field against industry giants and their bottomless marketing/advertising budgets. I have had the distinct pleasure of meeting a number of professionals that align with my goals, that have eagerly helped me to shape and craft my idea, bringing it closer to fruition.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About RykerTech LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 6 months - 1 year
Website: themopoapp.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details