A loan helped a member to buy counters, scissors, and hair creams.

Chaskas Group's story

The borrower belongs to the communal bank "Chaskas".

Luzbelinda is an entrepreneur who wants to continue expanding her business. She works in her beauty salon. With this business, she provides for her family and fights to have a better quality of life. She dreams of upgrading some of the work materials in her beauty salon. She needs capital to buy counters, scissors, and hair creams.

The borrowers as a group are grateful for the granted loan and promise to comply with repayment terms.

In this group: Luzgarda, Luzbelinda, Flor, Eufemia, Luz Marina, Jonathan Ewer, Ewer Buenaventura, Karina

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It uses a group-lending method to reach low-income borrowers.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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