A loan helped to buy modern farm inputs to boost crop production on her farm.

Susan's story

Susan, a married smallholder farmer residing in Bomet, epitomizes the resilience and dedication of women in agriculture. Despite facing various challenges, Susan has diligently cultivated her farming skills over the years, garnering valuable experience in agricultural practices.

Seeking to enhance crop production and secure a sustainable livelihood for her family, Susan endeavors to obtain a loan for purchasing quality seeds and high-nutrient fertilizers. She recognizes the critical role these inputs play in maximizing yields and ensuring the prosperity of her farm.

Susan's unwavering commitment to her farm and her family's well-being is evident in her relentless pursuit of resources to improve her agricultural output. As International Women's Day approaches, supporting Susan's endeavor is not only an investment in her success but also a recognition of the indispensable contribution of women to rural economies.

By providing Susan with the necessary resources, you empower her to thrive as a farmer and contribute to the advancement of her community.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

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Lenders and lending teams

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