Twenty-eight-year-old Wendy, a mother of three children who range in age from four to eleven, waved goodbye to her husband three months ago when he left to find work in the U.S. Wendy opened a convenience store located in a room in her home nine years ago. Her oldest daughter helps her with the store. She expects to also work in a tortilla shop to earn extra income.
Wendy's goals are to increase inventory and offer her customers more choices. She requests her first Kiva loan to resupply her store with basic items, snack foods and beverages. Some of her income will be set aside for the continuing education of her children who are in kindergarten and elementary school.
Wendy joined six other Maya K’iche women who live in a rural area in the department/state of Suchitepéquez and formed the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Mujeres Pablenas.” The women in the group elected Wendy to be their Secretary.
The women in this group appreciate participating in the “MIcrocredit Plus” program of loans, education and healthcare. Monthly educational training gives them a great opportunity to learn about everyday topics like hygiene, nutrition, health and self-esteem. They also learn about planning and budgeting that helps them with their businesses selling casual clothing, traditional textiles, leather belts and baby clothing. A few have convenience stores. Every other month, they can meet with a visiting nurse who offers consults, exams and family planning.
Thank you, Kiva lenders!
In this group: Wendy Paola , Juana , Lidia , Lidia , Ana, Emiliana , Pascuala