Verónica lives in Corinto, Morazán department. She is 27 years old and her family is made up of her husband, José Israel, and their four dependent children: Kevin, 9, Merari, 6, Josué Daniel, 4 and José, 1. Verónica and her husband have been selling fruit and vegetables for the last two years. This idea arose out of the need to work and have income to cover their children’s expenses.
She is asking for a loan to buy fruit and vegetables that she gets in San Miguel’s market. She wants to use the funds from the loan to stock and improve the business. The only risks are the daily price fluctuations of the merchandise.
Her dream is to work daily to improve customer service and to watch over her home and needs supporting her children’s schooling.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.