A loan helped to purchase feed for his livestock.

Zhaksylyk's story

Zhaksylyk, a 69-year-old pensioner residing in the village of Nura in the Karaganda region, lives with his wife, who is also a pensioner. They are engaged in animal husbandry.

Before retirement, Zhaksylyk worked as a shepherd in the village, while his wife worked as a nurse in the hospital. They have two daughters. Both live in the city, are married, and have children.

Zhaksylyk and his wife started their involvement in animal husbandry more than 30 years ago. They began with one head of cattle and three heads of small cattle. Currently, they no longer keep cattle and have shifted their focus to breeding horses and small cattle. Their family business not only provides for their own family, but also generates income through the sale of horses.

At present, Zhaksylyk is in need of a loan amounting to 500,000 KZT to purchase feed for the livestock. This investment will contribute to sustaining their family business and ensuring the well-being of their family members.

This loan is special because:

The loan extends access to financial services for those living in rural areas.

Loan details

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