A loan helped a member to buy thermoses, leather, imitation leather and glue amongst other materials.

Kuña Guapa Group's story

This committee is named Kuña Guapa. It is made up of women/heads of family who strive to get ahead and be able to provide a better future for their loved ones. They are enterprising and fighters who work together with a common objective and look for a way to give their loved ones the best.

Maria Gloria is one of the members. She earns a living in commerce and says she has a business making and selling (leather) covered thermos which is an item in common use in Paraguay to consume traditional drinks like terere and mate.

She sees herself as an enterprising person who little by little through great effort is progressing. She comments that she makes great efforts to continue working and in this way continue to provide the best for her family.

She is requesting this loan to buy thermoses, leather, imitation leather and glue amongst other materials. Then she can continue with her sales and fill the requests from her customers.

In this group: Reinalda, Matilde Beatriz, Maria Gloria, Mirna Concepcion, Anastacia, Mercedes, Sonia Elizabeth, Yolanda Alfidia, Maria Lucia, Ramona Concepcion, Tania Maria, Karen Ramona, Maria Isabel, Susana, Mariela Elizabeth, Elsa Rossana, Blanca Gissel, Nery Gasparina, Maria De Los Angeles, Maria Patricia, Myriam Celeste, Evelin Arami, Fatima, Liz Mercedes, Carmen, Maria Cristina, Rosalina, Lucia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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