A loan helped a member to buy seeds and fertilizer for her cardamom field.

Las Orquideas Group's story

Twenty-year-old Modesta, mother of a 2-year-old daughter, attended school for six years and did not continue as she got married. Her husband left to find work in the U.S. four months ago.

Modesta has been farming cardamom for three years. She has six employees during seeding and harvest times. She sells the cardamom at the wholesale level from her home. She also raises chickens that she sells from her home. Her goals are to increase the size of her farm and grow top quality cardamom. She will use her income to support her household. Modesta requests her second Kiva loan to buy seeds and fertilizer.

“Las Orquideas” is the name that eight Mayan “Q'eqchi” women have given to their Friendship Bridge Trust Bank. Modesta was elected to be the treasurer of the group. Many of these women also farm cardamom and raise animals while others attend to their convenience stores. Having access to loans, a monthly educational training (business, health, family, women) and bimonthly health care services (exams, consults, family planning) is crucial to their success. The combination is called “Microcredit Plus” and Modesta and her friends are grateful to participate in the program as they have little or no formal education and the health care system where they live is stretched thin.

From the department of Quiché, Modesto and her friends in the Trust Bank send their gratitude to Kiva lenders from all parts of the world. Thank you!

In this group: Modesta , Cristina , Norma Roxana , Candelaria , Catalina , Maria , Blandina , Pilar

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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