A loan helped to upgrade the sewing machine and buy some materials and tools.

Erdenechimeg's story

Let’s meet Erdenechimeg, a 56-year-old hardworking woman. She has dedicated herself to being a tailor for almost 10 years. Since she was a kid, she has been interested in sewing and decorating her clothes with flowers, beads, and paints.

That is why she wanted to start a business in this field, and she wishes to expand her business, making traditional costumes with modern trends, and various types of stitches. Though sewing takes a long time, she is consistent and is fond of her business and, through her networking, she could attract a lot of customers. With the loan, she will upgrade the sewing machine and buy some materials and tools.

This loan is special because:

This loan will support the creation of new businesses and self-employment in poor communities.

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