A loan helped our Costa-Rican, family-owned, cleaning business acquire another vehicle.

Irina's story

My sister and I came from Costa Rica to the United States in 2019 with a suitcase full of dreams. Hi, my name is Irina Abarca, I am a mother of two boys, a business administrator/owner and a nurse. My sister, Nicole Abarca, is a mother of two girls, an esthetician, and my business partner and co-owner. We came to Wisconsin with tons of hope and persistence, wanting to give our families better opportunities for life which meant having to start our professional lives from scratch.

When we arrived, we were unable to practice the skills we took time to learn in Costa Rica. Our husbands could no longer be roofers and my sister could no longer practice esthetics. As we searched for new opportunities, our business idea found us unexpectedly through my son’s ESL teacher from school. My son’s teacher saw that my family was struggling to make ends meet and offered to pay me to clean her home. This opportunity pushed me towards entrepreneurship, and presented itself as a way to have control over our destinies and provide our families with the lives we always wanted to give them.

My sister and I decided to do the crazy, risky thing and start a cleaning business in a new country without knowing the language and culture with all the odds stacked against us; thankfully, our commitment to hard work has since paid off with obtaining more than 60 residential clients, 2 commercial contracts and work with over 15 realtors.

Today we can say that barriers only exist in our minds and when we really want something, we can make it a reality.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Pureness Cleaning Services LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details