A loan helped a member to buy vegetables to resell in the village market.

Ndine Group's story

This banc villageois was formed in November 2018. It is mainly composed of brave businesswomen who live in the same village and surrounding area.

Madam Yacine, 42, is married and mother of 4 children all attending school. She sells vegetables at the village market. She is the group representative, on the right side of the photo with her hand up.

She will use funds from the loan to buy 25 kg of carrots, 10 kg of cabbage, 20 kg of green onions, 10 kg of sweet peppers and 20 kg of stuffed tomatoes. She is well known in her village for her quality produce which helps her sell off her merchandise. Her earnings help her husband with family expenses and the rest serves to increase her savings with the banc villageois.

In this group: Faty, Bineta, Khady, Khoussata , Yacine, Nogaye, Yacine, Fatim, Codou

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Michel Proulx.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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