A loan helped a member to purchase supplies to sell appetizers.

Santa Cruz De Mechoacan Group's story

This group is called "Santa Cruz de Mechoacan" because its members live in the Santa Cruz neighborhood, located in Santa Catarina, Mechoacan so that's why they named it that. All of the members do something that helps them manage economically. These women are indigenous, hard workers, and honorable. This is the first time the members of this group are taking out loans; they are taking out loans because they need to buy supplies to make their products.

Mrs. Angelica is the one who organized the group since her sister told her about the foundation. Her sister belongs to another group, hence the invitation. With this, she began to gather people to form the group that is maD. up of ten members.

Mrs. Angelica Beatriz, 22, is the group's representative. She lives with her partner, Mr. Ferdi Martinez and only has one child who is one years old. She sells snacks for a living and makes totopos (golden tortillas) which is why she is taking out a loan to buy ingredients to make snacks and totopos. She uses the income she earns for her son and to help with household expenses.

Now I will talk about Mrs. Ilda, 34, married to Mr. Rufino who works as a police officer. Mrs. Ilda has three children in school. Two are in high school and one in grade school. Mrs.IIda says that this is her first loan and it's because she needs to buy supplies for the sale of tamales. She makes the following tamales: chicken mole, pork in green sauce, shrimp mole, chicken in green sauce, etc. Hilda says her husband convinced her to join the group since she was afraid she wouldn't be able to make the payments since there are days when there are sales and others none. But her husband told her he would help her with the payments and so he wouldn't have to do much, she is only asking for a little bit of money. She says her husband has always supported her in everything. She wishes to grow her business since it's work that really helps to support her family and above all her children who are studying as she wants her kids to have a profession.

The members of this group are the following and have their respective economic activities: Rosalba: 35 years old is dedicated to the sale of purchase of materials for the sale of snacks. Angelica Beatriz: 22 years of age is engaged in the sale of purchase of materials for the sale of snacks. Lucia: 30 years of age is engaged in the sale of the purchase of materials for the sale of snacks. Estela C. Q. Soledad G. G.: 28 years of age is engaged in the sale of purchase of materials for the sale of snacks. Ignacia Q. H.: 35 years old is purchases materials for the manufacture of chips for sale. Altagracia: 40 years of age purchases materials for making tacos for sale. Celerina G. O.: 31 years of age purchases chickens for sale. Ilda: 34 years of age is engaged in the sale of purchase of materials for the sale of snacks. Cesilia: The 58-year-old is engaged in the sale of purchase of materials for the sale of snacks.

In this group: Rosalba, Angelica Beatriz, Lucia, Soledad, Estela, Ignacia, Altagracia, Celerina, Ilda, Cesilia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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