A loan helped a member to buy gift merchandise wholesale.

Po Totai Group's story

The communal bank PO TOTAI is associated with the Perla del Oriente agency. It includes eight members who are friends and is managed by a board of directors, with Silvia as president.

Silvia, age 35, is single and has four children. She has a gift hope. She states that she started the business one year ago.

The loan that she will take now will increase capital to buy gift merchandise wholesale from the wholesale vendors in the city of Santa Cruz. Later she will sell her products, which will permit her to generate income to help her family financially.

She aspires to expand her business and buy a house. Silvia asks that you trust in her communal bank.

In this group: Julio Cesar, Juana, Mary Elida, Elena, Marlene, Silvia Daniela, Giovanna, Elfi

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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