A loan helped for connection to the aqueduct.

Anatolie's story

Anatolie is 49 years old and married. He lives in the village and has 2 children who are students. He works occasionally abroad, and his wife is a nurse. Because his father is bedridden, his wife left her job to care for him. At the moment, the only source of financial maintenance for all is Anatolie.

Returning home in the village, he brings water from the well, but he encounters a big problem because the water is very dirty. It’s not drinkable, creating health problems for all the family. Learning about the Kiva loans, Anatolie decided to apply to receive financial support to connect the house to the centralized aqueduct.

Connecting the house to the central aqueduct will allow this family to have access to drinking water, and as a result, the family will be healthier.

This loan is special because:

It improves a family’s health through water and sanitation.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details