A loan helped to buy fertilizers, insecticides, food, and medicine for chickens and hens.

Ketty Mariuxi's story

Ketty Mariuxi and her family live in 24 de Mayo, a place of hardworking people mainly dedicated to farm work and selling their products.

She is a hardworking woman looking to earn her resources and, with them, cover her expenses and help her parents, who have limited resources.

She works in raising chickens and free-range hens. She buys these animals, keeps them for an adequate period, and then sells them to merchants.

Additionally, with her dad, now during this winter season, they have crops of corn and peanuts, which is what they need the most for this credit. In this way, she can continue to achieve this solely with the help she receives from the loans. She is very grateful for them and asks for continued support.

This loan is to buy fertilizers, insecticides, food, and medicine for chickens and hens.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Cristina C.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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